All American Values

The moral standards that govern my life.


In my life, I feel guided by a divine presence, which I recognize as God. This guidance manifests in various ways, often through a sense of intuition, signs, and the wise counsel of others. I believe that God's guidance directs me towards making choices that align with my values and purpose, leading me towards growth, compassion, and understanding. This guidance provides me with comfort, strength, and a sense of purpose, helping me navigate life's challenges and celebrate its joys with gratitude. God's guidance also leads me to embrace conservative values, which I view as rooted in timeless principles that promote stability, responsibility, and respect for tradition. Through reflection and prayer, I believe that God instills in me a deep appreciation for the sanctity of life, the importance of family and community, and the value of hard work and self-reliance. These values, I feel, are not only essential for personal flourishing but also contribute to the well-being of society as a whole, guiding me to uphold principles that honor God and serve others with compassion and integrity.


Family is the cornerstone of my life, and the driving force behind every decision I make. My wife Stephanie and our children, Patrick, Nathan, Gracie, Michael, and Christopher, are my greatest treasures. They are the reason I entered politics—to ensure that their future is secure, and that they have every opportunity to thrive. Their happiness and well-being are my top priorities, and I will always strive to create a better world for them.


Throughout my life, I have been deeply committed to public service, driven by a profound sense of duty and a desire to make a positive impact. My 11 years of service in the U.S. Army instilled in me the values of honor, courage, and selflessness, shaping me into the person I am today. During my time at the Center For the Intrepid, where I spent 3 years treating amputee veterans, I witnessed firsthand the sacrifices made by those who serve our country. This experience further fueled my dedication to serving others. As Inland Township Supervisor, I worked tirelessly to improve the lives of my constituents, addressing their needs and advocating for their interests. Additionally, my involvement with the Wounded Warrior Project allowed me to support and uplift fellow veterans, demonstrating my unwavering commitment to serving those who have served our nation.

Common Sense Values

Common Sense: the true understanding of cause and effect in all matters and the consequences that follow.

Individual Rights

I stand-by the self-evident truths that all of us are created equal and granted by God the same inherent freedoms, such as the inalienable rights to life, liberty, free speech, religion and pursuit of happiness.

Limited Government

As a Constitutional Republic, I believe as our founding fathers did, that the government must operate within the confines of the constitution.

Rule of Law

To remain a civilized society, justice must be administered equally and impartially to all. Transparency and accountability are the keys to good government and must be adhered to.

Peace Through Strength

I believe the first obligation of the federal government is to provide for common defense of the United States by protecting our interests and homeland. Our military must remain strong and ready.

Fiscal Responsibility

I believe it is the responsibility of all levels government to live within its means.

Human Dignity

I believe we independent individuals and the institutions we create together to advance our ideals and make real our dreams. Each of our lives has unimpeachable value. I Believe in protecting life, honoring marriage and supporting family.

Paid for by David Davis for Michigan | PO Box 333 | Interlochen, MI 49643


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